What you need to know about Your Hunt:
- If you do not get to shoot at a raccoon you will receive a 100% Full Refund
- Raccoon season is opens for Wisconsin Residents Oct. 20th 2018 and for Non Residents Nov 3rd. Both season end - Feb. 15th 2019. The only closure is during the gun deer season from Nov. 16th thru Dec. 25th 2018.
- Hunters should Be Prepared to Hike through the woods in the dark. My dogs are very well trained and Love to hunt coon, but when I let them out of the truck they go where ever the coon are, if that is 1 mile over the hill, we will be walking a mile over the hill to get that coon! Sometimes they tree a coon with in 30 feet sometimes it will be much farther away.
- Dress appropriately, the temperature varies greatly throughout raccoon season. It is safe to bet that we will be walking quite a bit so wear layers of clothing that will be easy to put on or take off and good boots that stay Dry as we may hunt in mist or rain.
- Hunters are welcome to bring their own gun (.22 cal) or may use my .22 rifle
- We can any day of the week and can start anytime you would like between sunset and 9pm and will hunt for up to 4 hours. It is often better to start hunting sooner in the evening than later.
- Any raccoon you shoot is your coon. I will skin it for you and send you with the hide and meat or if you came more for the adventure of the hunt you can receive a $5. credit towards your hunt.
- Please check the calendars below to check date availability.
- The cost of the hunt is $75 payable by cash or money order.
- Feel free to bring a friend there is no additional cost for 2 people.
- We are located in Southwestern Wisconsin about 30 minutes South of Tomah near the town of Ontario.
- Please email raccoonhuntingguide@yahoo.com if you would like to book a hunt or if you have any questions about your raccoon hunting adventure.
- Or Call and LEAVE a MESSAGE Between 8 AM -- 8 PM Central Time 608-487-2662